A brand film for RAPHAThe Rapha story—
as told by founder Simon Mottram.
Filmed at the RAPHA head office in London.
Additional footage provided by RAPHA.
as told by founder Simon Mottram.
Filmed at the RAPHA head office in London.
Additional footage provided by RAPHA.

A brand behaviours film for RAPHA

»We’re only at the end of chapter one—starting chapter two of Rapha’s story.«
Published with the 2020 new decade’s letter from founder and CEO Simon Mottram; an eight minute film piece about brand values and brand behaviours, the why and how, the recipe of the brand’s success and progress.
Featuring non-scripted interviews of current and former Rapha employees and underlined with excerpts of a decade’s worth of Rapha film works.
Published with the 2020 new decade’s letter from founder and CEO Simon Mottram; an eight minute film piece about brand values and brand behaviours, the why and how, the recipe of the brand’s success and progress.
Featuring non-scripted interviews of current and former Rapha employees and underlined with excerpts of a decade’s worth of Rapha film works.
Architecture / Written by Kristian Walter
Sound recording by Michele Bianchin
Montage / Sound Design by Martin Gilluck

A campaign package for RAPHAFilm and social edits, 2019
A big thank-you to James Fairbank, Oliver Duggan, Ger Tierney and Kimberley English from Rapha, and to Friederike Bernhard, Marian Mentrup, Stephan Haack, Jonathan Skorupa from our creative network.
A multiple-edit transmedia film packag for Rapha's 2019 CORE campaign CARRY MORE, told through the stories of four people from different places.
Featuring London based cyclist Ivy Valdman, Thommy Thornton and Kelton Wright from Los Angeles, as well as Miguel Indurain Jr from Mallorca.
Featuring London based cyclist Ivy Valdman, Thommy Thornton and Kelton Wright from Los Angeles, as well as Miguel Indurain Jr from Mallorca.

Photography by Kristian Walter
Architecture / Written by Kristian Walter
Sound by Jonathan Skorupa & Stephan Haack
Montage / Sound Design by Martin Gilluck
Music by Friederike Bernhardt
Sound mastering by Marian Mentrup
A campaign package for RAPHAFilm and photography, 2016

Rapha Core offers the essentials in performance and functionality. Consisting of a cycling jersey and shorts for men and women, the collection is nothing more and nothing less than the basics, perfectly crafted to set the new standard in everyday ride wear.
This film connects five characters from four different countries through their perspective on riding. Protagonists were Ultan Coyle, Gemma Atkinson, Tiffany Cromwell, Stefan Rohner and Phil Deeker.
This film connects five characters from four different countries through their perspective on riding. Protagonists were Ultan Coyle, Gemma Atkinson, Tiffany Cromwell, Stefan Rohner and Phil Deeker.

Produced and captured by ERTZUI FILM,
Kristian Walter & Martin Gilluck
Architecture / Written by Kristian Walter
Montage / Sound Design by Martin Gilluck
SFX / Mastering by Marian Mentrup
Colour grading by Martin Schroeder
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